Prices are agreed upon directly with the customer.
We also offer discount packages for clients interested in purchasing several services at the same time.
There's a possibility of commuting to the client for a payment.
1. Online transfer to the company account
REG.NR: 2877 2877
ACCOUNT NR: 6287994573
2. Cash
3. Online payment
You can scan the QR code using the MobilePay app.
If you're using the English version of MobilePay, follow the following instructions:
Click on "Pay" and then on "Scan QR".
Enter the amount you want to send, and then click "Next".
Here you can send a short message to the recipient by clicking on "Write message".
When you're done, move the slider that says "Send money" to the right.
If you're using If you're using the Danish version of MobilePay, follow the following instructions: of MobilePay, follow the following instructions:
Click on "Betal" and then on "Scan QR".
Enter the amount you want to send, and then click "Næste".
Tutaj możesz wysłać krótką wiadomość do odbiorcy, klikając na „Tilføj kommentar”.
When you're done, move the slider that says "Send penge" to the right.